Reading is Fundamental
GRAK is a proud supporter of the Reading is Fundamental (RFI) program. Every year GRAK distributes 2,000-3,000 books to local elementary school students. Many times, these books are the very first that the student has owned.
Reading Is Fundamental is committed to a literate America by inspiring a passion for reading among all children, providing quality content to make an impact and engaging communities in the solution to give every child the fundamentals for success. As the nation’s largest children’s literacy non-profit, Reading Is Fundamental maximizes every contribution to ensure all children have the ability to read and succeed.
There is a significant and cyclical literacy crisis facing America today and it begins with our children. Twenty-five million children in the U.S. cannot read proficiently. RIF believes that together we can make a real difference and set our children on a path of growth and opportunity.

RIF believes every child deserves an opportunity to own books, learn how to read, and obtain the fundamental building blocks to achieve their highest potential. Literacy opens doors and enables every child the chance to live their own journey.